Garden Design & Landscaping
Keeping your garden nice and green!
As landscape and exterior design firm we feel most comfortable working in spacious suburban areas…
Additionally, the greenwalls installation makes up a big part of our urban landscaping services list.
On par with that, commercial locations, such as offices or shopping malls use our greening services a lot.
Here's how it works:
It's always important to remember, that if your garden is all nurtured and spruced up, besides improving your mood it will also increase the property value, by much!
With that in mind we're offering a set, consisting of 2 separate services:
Regular Garden Maintenance, Landscaping and Garden Design, Trimming and Hedging (for small households) Regular maintenance of your garden will guarantee that you will be enjoying it all year round.
Customers, who've done such transfers:
As I’ve just never had enough time to both do all of my work, home chores and the garden care tasks, I’ve hired these guys to help me!
Seeing how much more tidier and greener my sweet little garden has become since these guys took over, I feel incredibly thankful!
When after years of taking care of my garden all by myself I’ve hired these guys for a little help, I never expected them to be so professional!